May 2024

Insights for Buyers in Canadian Real Estate

Posted on May 16, 2024 in Buying Tips

In the realm of real estate, every season brings its own tale, and spring is no exception. As the sun graces the horizon and flowers bloom, the Canadian housing market sees a flurry of activity, with new listings sprouting like daisies in a field. But amidst this blossoming landscape, there lies a sense of caution among home buyers, a hesitancy to...

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Toronto Real Estate Market Update - May 2024

Posted on May 09, 2024 in Market Update

Last month's home sales took a slight dip compared to the same time last year, but don't hit the panic button just yet. Here's the lowdown:

In April 2024, the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) saw a moderate decrease in home sales from April 2023. However, the plot twist lies in the surge of new listings, which shot up by a whopping 47.2 per cent year-over...

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